Friday, May 27, 2011

Last day @ JB

A sad day....but I'll be back.
Today i am trying to wrap up my VFU assignments while participating in Storskogsdagen. The media team is going to pick a spoof ad to post on the Wall of Fame AND we are going to eat kladkaka.
This afternoon the festivities begin with a Film Quiz and then we meet in the common room for the years awards and recognitions. right now the school (and Bob) is really busy.
class dismissed

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Good Consumer

An inspirational film from these guys that we watched to gear up for ad spoofing.
I strongly  recommend checking out their site and other consumer awareness videos.
Today was a good day.
The last group of students worked on interpreting and manipulating the connotations in advertising. Now we have a selection of ad spoofs created by my media students- front line soldiers in the media wars. This Friday we will select the spoof that best managed to capture the connotations underlying the original ad and manipulate it to mean something else.
 I will post the winner here as well as on JB's WALL OF FAME
                         ...sweet, sweet recognition.
Class dismissed

Monday, May 23, 2011

ad-spoofing @ JB kd.

I started off my last week of praktik with a lesson in denotation versus connotation inspired by adbusters. My first year students took apart ad campaigns and refitted them with their own messages. 
a good Monday.
thanks Huldran

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Bully Project

I just came across The Bully Project that is based on an upcoming film about bullying. The goal is to meet bullying head on as something that is not ok, not a right of passage or just a part of growing up.

 Bullying is wrong, plain and simple.

The project web page offers a chance to organize a screening and other tools to help your kids, students and communities make a change in our schools and lives, both on and off-line.
I have decided to organize a screening for the teacher students at our school and maybe for my community Forshaga and am waiting with anticipation for the film to be completed.
Class dismissed.

Monday, May 9, 2011

from the iTEC home page...a page worth checking out.


I have added a few RSS feeds to the blog. Lotta Abrahamsson whom I am fascinated with right now as well as some class mates who are also out there in the digital void trying to get a grip on how teachers are going to use that void in the future. enjoy.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Have a nice ADHDay

An interesting lecture about ADHD/asbergers syndrome by Lotta Abrahamssons who is diagnosed with both. This is of interest to me as I am hoping that my own ADHD diagnosis can help my students move out of the shadow of excuses that it comes with. Her book is called  Tänk om about adhd/as and andra förmågor....mitt i prick.

*Thanks to Agneta Ernstson, specialpedagog at JB for the tip.  

Cyborg Friday

So, I  am doing today what I had hoped to do Monday which is getting my JB computer how I want it. I had some computer issues all week but now I am back on track and it made me realise how dependent we/I am on computers for production.Without a computer I felt completely cut off. My smart phone let me check and send mail and update my blog but there are so many other programs which are interwoven into my day....I guess that makes me a nothing we didn't already know.
Resistance is futile.
Class dismissed,
Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Words to live by.

This unassuming little note, which hangs above the counter in the teachers lounge @ John Bauergymnasiet, should hang in all of our minds. Poetry.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The word of the day: Anticipation.

Day one back at John Bauergymnasiet and it's business as usual. So many great projectes to help out on and conversations to participate in. It is such a forward looking and creative environment. Trying to figure out what skills we as teachers are going to need to learn in order to pass those skills on (read keep up) with our students while looking forward with anticipation towards what that are going to create with those skills. I may be all bright eyed and bushy tailed about media education but hey...that's how I see it.
I spent the morning waiting for a work laptop to be ready so I read through Yttrandefri: handbok i yttrandefrihet och pressetik för unga journalister, a short summary of Sweden freedom of speech laws that UngMedie gives out. Very interesting and usable in the classroom. I recommend taking a look at it.
Class dismissed.